Monday, February 22, 2010

Goals, update 1

It's almost the end of February (already, seriously?) and I felt the need to evaluate how I am progressing with my goals for 2010. I have a feeling I'm about to depress myself. I never did remember the last three of my goals, but I did revive my external hard drive. I just haven't taken the time to look for the original list of goals since I got it back. For now, here's an update of the nine goals I remembered.

1. Grow closer to God. I want to make sure that people know that I'm just an instrument of the Almighty. --This is such a difficult goal to attain. There are moments where I feel very close to God, like he is standing right beside me. At other times, I feel like I will never be able to get close to Him and that he is so far away. I wonder why I waver like this.

2. Finish my MBA. I'm on track to complete it in December. --Still on track, despite not getting the textbook for my current class until three weeks into the eight week minimester.

3. Redesign my web site. Look for the redesign of J McKnight Photography to come early in January. --January has come and gone, and still no new website. It's slowly progressing, but I've considered scrapping the new site and starting from scratch.

4. Four weddings and a funeral. I want to shoot at least four weddings this year. I was just kidding about the funeral. --In a round-about way, I shot four weddings. Yesterday. More to come on that later.

5. Blog regularly. I want to update this blog at least twice every week. One update will be photography related and the other will be personal. --Not doing so well. Blogging is just not something I'm used to doing, so it takes extra effort to post.

6. Read six books. My plan is to read at least four business related books and two photography related books. If the books happen to overlap, that's just a plus. When I finish a book, I'll post a review here on my blog. --I'm currently reading Photographic Therapy by Rolando Gomez.

7. Run in three 5k races. This will give me a goal to stay in shape in a round-about way. --No training started, but softball season starts in a month and I don't want to be out of shape for that.

8. Stop biting my fingernails. This one's been on my list for a while. Hopefully this is the year I succeed at doing it. --Progress is at 0%. I think I'm going to have to buy some of the stuff you put on your nails to keep from biting them.

1 comment:

  1. From someone who didn't set any goals for the new year, Kudos to you!
    As for the biting the nails. I did it for as long as I could remember. Then someone told me to think about biting my nails like I was biting dead skunk roadkill. You'd been touching so many things and then putting that in your mouth. The dead skunk part really got to me. Needless to say, I don't do it anymore.
    Congrats on your photography business going well. I am very much an amateur and one who dabbles mostly in black and white film. I'm about to have a dark room set up in house again, and for that I'm ever grateful. It's almost more fun for me to develop the photos than it is to take them.
    I hope you blog more if it suits you. Good luck and God Bless!

